Paras ruoanlaitto-luokka Taipeissa, Taiwanissa. Tarjoamme nyyttejä, xiaolongbaoja, superfoodia, kiinalaisia yrttejä, paikallisia viinaa, paikallisia tapas-ruoanlaittokursseja. Teejuhla ja perinteiset leivonnaiset. Kasvissyöjäystävällinen.
Ruokaretki paikallisilla tuoreilla markkinoilla ja brunssi temppelin plazalla.
Vuoden 2019 voittaja Erinomainen sertifikaatti TripAdvisorissa, maailman suurimmalla matkasivustoilla.
Den bedste madlavningskurs i Taipei, Taiwan. Vi leverer dumplings, xiaolongbaos, superfood, kinesiske urter, lokale spiritus, lokale tapas madlavningsklasse. Teceremoni og traditionelle kager. Vegetarvenlig.
Madtur med lokalt frisk marked og brunch på tempelpladsen.
Vinder af 2019 Certificate of Excellence på TripAdvisor, verdens største rejsewebsted.
The best cooking class in Taipei, Taiwan. We provide dumplings, xiaolongbaos, superfood, chinese herbs, local liquors, local tapas cooking class. Tea Ceremony and traditional pastries. Vegetarian friendly.
Food tour with local fresh market and brunch at temple's plaza.
Winner Of 2019 Certificate Of Excellence on TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel site.
Le meilleur cours de cuisine à Taipei, Taiwan. Nous fournissons des dumplings, xiaolongbaos, superfood, herbes chinoises, liqueurs locales, cours de cuisine de tapas locales. Cérémonie du thé et pâtisseries traditionnelles. Végétarien amical.
Visite gastronomique avec marché de produits locaux et brunch sur la place du temple.
Winner Of 2019 Certificate Of Excellence sur TripAdvisor, le plus grand site de voyage au monde.
대만 타이페이 최고의 요리 교실 만두, 샤오룽바오, 수퍼 푸드, 중국 약초, 지역 주류, 지역 타파스 요리 교실, 다도 및 전통 페이스트리를 제공합니다.
현지 시장에서 신선한 음식을 맛보고 사원 광장에서 브런치를 맛보세요.
세계 최대 여행 사이트 인 트립 어드바이저에서 2019 년 우수상을 수상했습니다.
Den bästa matlagningskursen i Taipei, Taiwan. Vi erbjuder dumplings, xiaolongbaos, superfood, kinesiska örter, lokala vätskor, lokal tapas matlagningskurs. Teceremoni och traditionella bakverk. Vegetariskt vänligt.
Mattur med lokal färsk marknad och brunch på templets torg.
Vinnaren av 2019 Certificate of Excellence på TripAdvisor, världens största resesida.
Déi bescht Kachklass zu Taipei, Taiwan. Mir bidde Knäppercher, xiaolongbaos, Superfood, chinesesch Kraider, lokal Likör, lokal Tapas Kachen Klass. Téi Zeremonie an traditionell Pâtisserie. Vegetaresch frëndlech.
Food Tour mam lokale frësche Maart a Brunch op der Tempelplaz.
Gewënner vum Joer 2019 Zertifikat vun der excellence op TripAdvisor, dem weltgréisste Reessite.
A melhor aula de culinária em Taipei, Taiwan. Nós fornecemos bolinhos de massa, xiaolongbaos, superalimento, ervas chinesas, licores locais, aula de culinária de tapas local. Cerimônia do chá e doces tradicionais. Adequado para vegetarianos.
Excursão gastronômica com mercado local fresco e brunch na praça do templo.
Vencedor do Certificado de Excelência de 2019 no TripAdvisor, o maior site de viagens do mundo.
Лучший кулинарный класс в Тайбэе, Тайвань. Мы предлагаем пельмени, ксяолонгбао, суперпродукты, китайские травы, местные ликеры, уроки кулинарного искусства. Чайная церемония и традиционная выпечка. Вегетарианец дружелюбный.
Продовольственный тур с местным свежим рынком и поздний завтрак на площади храма.
Победитель Сертификата Совершенства 2019 года на TripAdvisor, крупнейшем в мире туристическом сайте.
חוג הבישול הטוב ביותר בטאיפיי, טייוואן. אנו מספקים כיסונים, שיאולונגבואים, מזון סופר, עשבי תיבול סיניים, משקאות חריפים מקומיים, שיעור בישול טאפאס מקומי. טקס התה ומאפים מסורתיים. ידידותי לצמחוניים.
סיור אוכל עם שוק טרי מקומי ובראנץ 'ברחבת המקדש.
הזוכה בשנת 2017 תעודת מצוינות ב- TripAdvisor, אתר הנסיעות הגדול בעולם.
Der beste Kochkurs in Taipei, Taiwan. Wir bieten Knödel, Xiaolongbaos, Superfood, chinesische Kräuter, lokale Liköre und lokalen Tapas-Kochkurs. Teezeremonie und traditionelles Gebäck. Vegetarier freundlich.
Essenstour mit lokalem Frischmarkt und Brunch auf dem Tempelplatz.
Winner Of 2019 Certificate Of Excellence auf TripAdvisor, der weltweit größten Reise-Website.
Il miglior corso di cucina a Taipei, Taiwan. Forniamo gnocchi, xiaolongbaos, superfood, erbe cinesi, liquori locali, lezioni di cucina locale di tapas. Cerimonia del tè e dolci tradizionali. Vegetariano
Tour gastronomico con mercato locale fresco e brunch nella piazza del tempio.
Vincitore del Certificato di Eccellenza 2019 su TripAdvisor, il sito di viaggi più grande del mondo.
La mejor clase de cocina en Taipei, Taiwán. Ofrecemos empanadillas, xiaolongbaos, superalimento, hierbas chinas, licores locales, clases de cocina de tapas locales. Ceremonia del té y repostería tradicional. Apto para vegetarianos.
Visita gastronómica con mercado local de productos frescos y brunch en la plaza del templo.
Ganador del Certificado de Excelencia 2019 en TripAdvisor, el sitio de viajes más grande del mundo.
De beste kookles in Taipei, Taiwan. Wij bieden knoedels, xiaolongbaos, superfood, chinese kruiden, lokale likeuren, lokale tapas kookles. Theeceremonie en traditioneel gebak. Vegetarisch vriendelijk.
Eettour met lokale versmarkt en brunch op het plein van de tempel.
Winnaar van het certificaat van uitmuntendheid van 2019 op TripAdvisor, 's werelds grootste reissite.
coriander taipei cooking class studio
Our mission is to recreate the most popular and traditional dishes in Taiwan with you, to share the culture through culinary tours, and make Taipei your home.
Located in a small residential alley by the main street and a small park, where you can still peek a little of Taipei 101. In this relaxing kitchen you will not only learn how to make your own Taiwanese food with our family recipes, but also be shared with Taiwanese tea culture, alcohol drinking culture, or regimen styles of Taiwanese people in their daily life.
As we always concern about the environment and how to reduce the most wastes, in our studio we make soaps for dish washing from used cooking oil, compost for plants and farms from kitchen waste and reusable hand towels in the bathrooms.
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station
Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
5 mins
Chun Shui Tang (First Boba Tea in Taiwan)
5 mins
ChiaTe (#1 Pineapple Cake in Taipei)
5 mins
Various kind of herbs, flowers and fruits are growing in our garden, both in the urban Taipei City and the rural Yi-lan prefecture. We can give you a tour of our farm in Taipei when you are here, and you can find us using some of the flowers to blend with Oolong tea, making herbal tea or handmade fruit jam, only in our studio.